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Disciplinary Research
Tianjin Normal University Entering ESI International Discipline Ranking in the top 1%global
March 14, 2023  

According to the latest data o威斯尼斯人615cc棋牌f ESI released by Kori Wei'an, Tianjin Normal University's "Engineering" discipline entered ESI's global ranking 1%。

ESI (Essential Science Indicators, Basic Scientific Indicators) is currently recognized internationally recognized university、 Academic Institution、 National/Regional International Academic Level and Influence One of the Important Evaluation Indicators。 ESI indicators are mainly based on the number 威斯尼斯人615cc棋牌of published papers and citation data, Data from scientific research performance statistics and science/discipline development trends。 Many domestic universities use ESI indicators as an important indicator for measuring the school's entry into the international advanced level, The top 1%of ESI rankings are generally regarded as international high -level disciplines。

Recently released ESI latest data display, Tianjin Normal Un威斯尼斯人615cc棋牌iversity Engineering has published 347 articles in SCI papers in the past ten years, Total quilt 3504, Articles are all cited 10.10, 3 articles of high quotation, It marks the ranks of our school's engineering field entering the international high -level discipline, In scientific research ability、 Innovation ability、 Discipline construction ability has high academic influence and peer recognition。 This is our school's relay chemistry、 After the m威斯尼斯人615cc棋牌aterial science, The third discipline entered the top 1%of the global ranking of ESI。 Our hospital has a master's degree in materials engineering, a master's degree authorized point, Relevant research directions Teachers have made positive contributions for engineering disciplines to enter ESI's global rankings。

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